A sweet tooth to save our rhinos

Le Chocolatier, the makers of the finest Swiss chocolates, has taken the plight of the rhinos to a new level.

They have produced a range of 3 beautifully handcrafted chocolate bars. R2 from the sale of each bar will  be donated directly to Unite against poaching to be used in the fight against poaching.

The delicious chocolate bars come in a 70% dark chocolate, a milk chocolate and a white chocolate.
These specialty delicacies will be available in the SANParks shops and specialist outlets.

What a treat to enjoy the delights of a beautiful chocolate and still help in the war against poaching.

To order directly from Le Chocolatier please click here

Get your sticker at any participating unitrans dealer!


Proud winner of the

2013 SANParks Kudu Award

Proud winner of the 2013

GRAA Rhino Conservation Award



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