How can you help save our rhinos?

Another brutal attack on a rhino cow over the Easter weekend has left us sickened to the core. Images of one of this majestic creatures having its horn hacked off while a defenceless rhino calf flinches in the background has horrified the public. These images portray the viciousness of the attackers and although we are bombarded with these violent images on a regular basis, our humanity has to be touched by the poignancy of a young rhino calf confused that its mother is not able to respond to it plaintive please.

The absolute ruthlessness of the poachers is sickening and makes us wonder what we, the human race, have come to. Greed has reduced the human race to callous and barbaric actions, to satisfy an ever increasing demand for rhino horn. The affluence of the Eastern consumer has seen the demand for rhino horn increase exponentially and the onslaught against these unique creatures is simply unimaginable.

There are some encouraging signs from our Government that they are taking the matter seriously, but the man in the street is discouraged by the apparent lack of action. We have to remain steadfast in our resolve to keep doing everything in our power to fight this war against these inhuman poachers who will apparently stop at nothing to plunder the increasingly threatened rhino population in our country.  Please do not give up the battle, WE are not giving up! But we cant do it without your support

Spread the word, tell your friends and colleagues and with the support of the public for our Unite against Poaching initiative we can continue making a significant contribution towards stemming the wave of rhino poaching in our National Parks…Together we can make a difference….  Lets all Unite against Poaching!!!

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Proud winner of the

2013 SANParks Kudu Award

Proud winner of the 2013

GRAA Rhino Conservation Award



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