Unite for RhODIS

We need your HELP!!!

The forensic aspect of the war against poaching makes use of RhODIS, the uniquely developed South African Rhino DNA profiling system. This provides prosecutors scientific evidence to link recovered evidence presented in a court case, to an individual rhino poaching incident. Our very own Rhino CSI.!

The Genetic Analyser machine is the key piece of equipment giving the final DNA profile.

The RhODIS laboratory's work has been hampered by the fact that they only have one such a machine, limiting the number of cases they can process. For our rhinos to all be included on this database and to meet the requirements of the courts, the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory need to acquire a second machine. This is not cheap, coming in at R 2.5 million rand (US$ 280 000) for this highly specialised machine.

We urgently need to raise funds. Unite Against Poaching has stepped up to assist RhODIS.  We are calling this project “Unite for RhODIS”.

100% of the funds generated will be chanelled towards procuring the Genetic Analyser and no money will be used for administration

Members of the public , Schools and Corporates  are now able to truly make a difference.


  • To donate directly to the cause via the givengain portal please click here
  •  Alternately direct deposits may be made to the SANParks Honorary Ranger's accounts:

Nedbank , Die Heuvel

Account Number: ,      Branch Code: 158550

Reference: RhODIS


Please help us make a difference!!


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Proud winner of the

2013 SANParks Kudu Award

Proud winner of the 2013

GRAA Rhino Conservation Award



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