Devastating rhino attacks… and more

Rhino lovers around the country have been shaken to the core by the news that the total rhino poached for this year alone stands at an incredible 80!!!   The news that another 2 rhino were poached this week in the Pretoriuskop area of the Kruger National Park brings the total there to a horrific 43 in the Kruger Park already this year.

The carnage MUST be stopped somehow!!!  The further shocking news that 4 SANParks officials have been arrested as a result of the latest poaching leaves one with a true bitter/sweet taste.  How disgusting that the very people we have looked to, to protect our precious rhino have perpetrated this atrocity. Greed eats away the very fabric of our society and to anticipate that the poachers get the full force of the law coming down on them will go some way to making amends to society.

On the other side, congratulations must go to the team that tracked them down and arrested them…the great thing is, no matter who they are, one group of poachers have been taken out of circulation. Hopefully this will have a significant effect on the poaching stats. It appears that this group may be responsible for many of the 11 poaching’s which have taken place in the area they were operating in. We can only live in hope.

Unite against Poaching is committed to supporting the SANparks rangers in their war against poaching and it is dreadful that a handful of greedy, unscrupulous  rouges taint the reputation of the dedicated field rangers who continue to do an amazing job under extremely difficult conditions.

Due to the labour dispute by a group of rangers, the Honorary Rangers have stepped in to pick up the duties of the strikers. Reading the field reports from these volunteers makes one even more respectful of the true hardships our dedicated rangers endure to protect the rhino in the Kruger Park. I will with their permission, publish some of these diary entries.

May the arrest of these 4 SANParks officials signify the turning of the tide which is sweeping across our country and let’s hope the numbers do not continue to rocket as they have already in the first 60 days of 2012.

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Proud winner of the

2013 SANParks Kudu Award

Proud winner of the 2013

GRAA Rhino Conservation Award



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