Madam & Eve on Rhino Poaching

How poignant is this cartoon?

There is so much talk about the rhino poaching and what can and should be done to get to the poachers.

At last our Government has stepped up to the plate and are taking some direct action. Let us hope that the additional rangers, the re-instatement of the Mozambique fence as well as the negotiations with the various “consumer” country governments will have some effect.

In the interim, we will redouble our efforts to keep the fundraising going and assisting with the equipping of the field rangers in the Kruger Park. There is so much that is needed and the funding that Unite against Poaching is proving is enormous, there is still not enough to do all that is needed.

Going back to the cartoon. Let us hope that we can look back in a few years’ time and know that we have done something to stop the poaching and to rescue our rhino from being wiped out. How good would that be that our grandchildren could elect to be game rangers and that rhino will be found freely in the environment? Keep up the pressure and the support.

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Proud winner of the

2013 SANParks Kudu Award

Proud winner of the 2013

GRAA Rhino Conservation Award



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