Frightening Poaching Statistics

Having just updated the statistics on the rhino poaching figures around the country leaves me with a sick-to-the-stomach feeling.

How are we ever going to combat this slaughter of the rhino in our beautiful country? Statistics are mere numbers and it is easy to simply see them as such and forget that each of these numbers represents a magnificent rhino who no longer roams the African Bush. Our initiative focuses on combatting the poaching within SANParks, which is no doubt where the highest number of poachings do occur. In partnership with the Honorary Rangers we are pulling out all the stops to get more funding to the rangers to fight on our behalf. When the official numbers are released and I updated the spreadsheet, it was nauseating that there was an increase of 27 in the Kruger Park alone in the last 30 days!!!! KZN parks and Limpopo were also under severe attack and the private reserves were not left alone either. Officially on 1st November the number stands at 362. This is not just a number...can you imagine these 362 rhinos grouped together in one place...this would be an incredible sight to see so many in one place simultaneously... now imagine gunning that number down, one or more a day, every day..... this is what the poachers are doing to our rhino population. To lose 1 rhino each day off this planet is simply unacceptable.

It is hugely encouraging that the man in the street is much more aware of the plight of the rhino and the support for the various anti-poaching projects is increasing. This is indeed a good sign but until the numbers come down dramatically, we HAVE to keep raising awareness. What is heartwarming is how many of our younger citizens are concerned and would like to get involved and contribute. We should suport them all the way and encourage involvement wherever we can. Foreigners are not coming in to our country and working alone...they are recruiting South Africans to help them....the more awareness there is, the more likely there is to be a concerned citizen who will spill the beans.

Please help us however you can, to spread the word, lets get those statistics swinging in favour of the rhino. Together we are a team, so lets UNITE against Poaching.

Get your sticker at any participating unitrans dealer!


Proud winner of the

2013 SANParks Kudu Award

Proud winner of the 2013

GRAA Rhino Conservation Award



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